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Raising the Bonbon status quo

We are on a mission to do the best that we can, with whatever resources we have, at any given time, and to ultimately raise the ‘bonbon’ status quo. 

And fortunately, we aren't alone  - our partners down the street and around the world are working with us to keep people and chocolate at the center of the chocolate industry, from trees to tastebuds.

From Trees to tastebuds

Fortunately, we get to spend our days melting down the most beautiful chocolatey liquid gold straight from Ecuador via our friends at Conexión Chocolate, who allow for transparency in their model which results in them keeping Cacao-growing communities, trees and humans, at the center of it all.

In fact, we admire the hell out of them for the work they do. In a world where so many institutions are comfortable with the way things have always been done, or with what would be ‘easiest’, our cacao partners at Conexión work hard to positively impact every stakeholder in the value chain, preserving one of Ecuador's oldest exported crops and providing a product that is not just a pleasure, but an honor to work with. 

Recyclable Packaging

Made from reused materials, ready to be recycled

Responsible Sourcing

From our friends in Ecuador & down the road

Heavy Metal Content Monitoring

Our partners help ensure these levels are safe

keeping it Bon

Beyond partnering with Conexión Chocolate, we make sure that 'good' is at the center of this entire operation. Whether it be providing a comfortable workplace for non-english speakers, carefully packaging our products in repurposed and recyclable materials, creating not-for-sale products that solely exist to bring joy to someones noticeably bad day, or offering a customer service experience that is transparent and kind its delivery, we promise to be our most Bon selves, every single time. After all, Good People Deserve Good Chocolate.

(Pictured above is our fav Babe Mom/Daughter Duo + Head Chocolatier likely poking fun of each others piping skillz)

Regardless of where you decide to buy your chocolate from, thank you endlessly for taking the time to learn about the things that are important to us.

Shout out to The National Institute of Agricultural Research in Ecuador, everyone involved in the Cacao & Chocolate Summit, The Heirloom Cacao Preservation fund, our farmers, co-ops, and to Jenny and the entire team at Conexión Chocolate for the hard work they do to find solutions for each end of the chocolate value chain.