Boba Dreams Do Come True

Boba Dreams Do Come True

Posted by Mar Manzanares-Brock on

We have come to the end of our Valentine's Day lineup, and what better send off than literally a dream flavor come true. Cream Dream, a whimsical blend of Milk tea ganache, milk tea caramel, and candy boba. Everyone's favorite treat drink now in Bon form. Pinch me! 


For those unfamiliar with Boba tea, check out some of the facts below:


Bubble Tea Origins: Bubble tea's roots can be traced back to Taiwan in the 1980s. It was originally created as a sweet milk tea with chewy tapioca pearls. Legend has it that a clever tea shop owner decided to shake things up by adding these delightful pearls, and the rest is history!

Two Names, One Love: Bubble tea is also known as boba tea or pearl milk tea. "Boba" actually refers to the chewy tapioca pearls, while "bubble" originates from the frothy bubbles created during the shaking process.

Chew on This: The iconic boba pearls are made from tapioca starch extracted from the roots of the cassava plant. The pearls are boiled, sweetened, and then added to the bottom of the cup before being drowned in a sea of flavorful tea.

Bob-Appreciation Day: National Bubble Tea Day is celebrated on April 30th. It's the perfect excuse to indulge in your favorite boba concoction and share the love for those delicious, chewy pearls.

Boba Popularity Explosion: Over the years, boba has transcended its humble beginnings and become a cultural phenomenon. Word on the street says you can thank Gen Z for that! It's not just a drink; it's a lifestyle! There are boba-inspired fashion trends, accessories, and even boba-themed events. Even celebrities like Donald Glover have opened their own shop 


With all of this buzz over Boba Tea it's no wonder we decided to package all that goodness into a Bon. Cream Dream is a love letter to boba enthusiasts, and a delightful surprise in every bite. Cheers to the chewy, flavorful world of bubble tea!

Last chance to catch this flavor is in shops, in the super limited quantities of Valentine's Day collections that landed yesterday. If you're reading this...



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