We're Six!

We're Six!

Posted by Theobroma Cacao on

It's our birthday! And we're celebrating all week!

In times like these, we are ever more thankful for our neighbors, friends, families, customers, and you! Whoever you are reading this blog, THANK YOU!

Without you, Bon Bon Bon is just an idea. An idea that good people deserve good chocolate. A hope maybe that just one piece of chocolate, when you get to pick your favorite one, can make your day better. That all of those people who had good jobs farming or crafting the ingredients that went into that caramel and the folks who mixed that ganache perfectly, who farmed that cacao, each of us, in a moment of bliss can have something good, together.

When we opened now six years ago, it was just an idea. To spend the money on the chocolate instead of the packaging to reduce waste to next to nothing, to ship with curbside recyclable packaging (with exception of the reusable rubber band and ice pack). It's not the cheapest way to make chocolate, it's not the prettiest, we absolutely c could jump on the ultra-shine dyed cocoa butter train, but it's not our style, it's beside the point. It's about doing the best we can with what we have to make the best Bon that we possibly can.

Honestly, over time, we've become better and better at this thanks to the beautiful brains that have graced our kitchens and counters. And come hell or high water, we're committed to continuing this mission, making the best Bons we can with the best resources we can get our hands on, in the best way we can find and make possible. Because even in the hard times, or maybe especially in the hard times, our role, providing a little bite of something sincerely good, is an important one that we are proud to fill.

Thank you. We love you! 

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Aquarius Szn

Aquarius Szn

By Mar Manzanares-Brock

Aquarius season is here, and we’re rolling out the Aquarius Bon of the Zodiac! A delightful combination of champagne, orange marmalade, and caramelized white chocolate....

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It's the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius (Bon)

It's the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius (Bon)

By Theobroma Cacao

Yup, Aquarius Season starts Monday and that means you'll find the Aquarius Bon in stores and in our seasonal 3-piece Bon box! (Which you can...

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