How to play Dreidel - Bon Edition

How to play Dreidel - Bon Edition

Posted by Theobroma Cacao on

Okay, so you now how we all wish we could learn the cool parts of our friends' cultures and eat all the good food they eat, and do all the cool traditions they do? Well you can't really ask and it's not like one of those things that you can just do yourself because like... it's just not quite your place to? You really just need the invite into the culture and into the traditions to get into it. Well get this. Babe Andrea and Babe Claire totally want to invite you to learn how to play dreidel because it's important to them and they really wanted to show you how fun it is (foreal, it is, just wait and see). 

Starting on the first day of Hanukkah, you can visit one of our shops and pick up a dreidel game pack, totally on us. In it, you'll find chocolate gelt (the mini Bon version of course), and a cutie baby dreidel. Now watch this vid that the Babes made, grab your dreidels, and let Andrea and Claire show us what's up. 

We hope  you have the most Bon time learning something new and hey, maybe play with your friend and pass on the fun. 

Have such a Bon Day!

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